Warzone Resurrection on a budget: part 1 Cybertronic

Warzone Resurrection on a budget: part 1 Cybertronic

Today we are going to discuss the cost of entry into the world of Warzone Resurrection. We know that many gamers have a limited budget for gaming purchases, we also think our price points make budget gaming with Warzone Resurrection a very viable option.

In this series of articles we are going to look at building 600 point starting armies for each faction in Warzone Resurrection, first up is Cybertronic. For these budget armies we will assume the player is using the free Warzone Resurrection rulebook available for download on the Prodos Games website.

Let’s start by looking at the Starter Sets each one has between 12 to 13 models with a cost of £37.49/$59.99 which by industry standards is a great value. The Cybertronic starter set its self has roughly 383 points of models with upgrades.

Cyber starter

Next up we will add an Everassur as the armies Warlord, he will add another 210 points bringing us to 593 total. He adds a monetary value of £9.99/$15.98, this brings the total to £47.48/$75.97.


The last thing all players are going to need is a set of templates and markers they cost £9.99/15.98, this will make the total purchase price for the army £57.40/$91.95 this will get you everything you need to play the Cybertronic faction in a game of Warzone Resurrection.


Here is what the Cybertronic list looks like:

Everassur 210 points

Chasseurs 138 points
Dr Diana squad commander, 1 Rocket launcher and the Cell Neogenisis upgrade

Chasseurs 110 points
Dr Diana squad commander, 1 Plasma gun and the Cell Neogenisis upgrade

Light Vehicle
Attila Mk I Exterminateur 135 points


For more information check out the Prodos Games website: http://prodosgames.com

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