Tabletop Cars Kickstarter – stretch Goals keep falling!!

Tabletop Cars Kickstarter – stretch Goals keep falling!!

We have had a fantastic day over at the Kore Thinking Tabletop Cars Kickstarter. 2 Stretch goals in one day! The number of funded designs just keeps on growing. There are now 6 designs unlocked and due to be cast in high quality resin and we aren’t showing any signs of slowing down yet!

Today saw the funding for both the Taxi and the Muscle car – and we are now marching toward funding the Police Pursuit Cruiser and hope to have that funded in the next day or 2 as well.

Our intention, from the start, was simply to bring a number of “cool” yet normal cars to the Gaming Tabletop. Ok.. maybe we’ve taken a little poetic licence with 1 or 2 which look very cool (Muscle car, Police Cruiser and the armoured 4×4) but overall – none of them would look out of place in any modern through to sci fi 32mm tabletop setting.

First up – here are the designs already coming!








 Thats 6 designs now unlocked and in the Kickstarter and we are well on our way to the 7th! If you gotta catch that muscle car, you’re going to need something with a bit of speed.. and the Police Interceptor is the right machine for the job!

 Closely followed by..

 And with the van, comes a little extra – the Armoured Security 4×4!

 And, once those 2 fall into place it is time for the Peoples choice! The People carrier!

 The People Carrier will take us to £4000 funding! Beyond that..? Lets wait and see! We have the potential to easily put 10 very cool designs onto the Table! If you want to get involved, please head over to the Kickstarter and see what we are up to;
