Super Chibi Round 2 – Reboot late pledges now up

Supr Chibi Round 2 Reboot Late Pledges

Super Chibi Round 2 – Reboot late pledges now up!

Missed out on Super Chibi Round 2 – Reboot? Don’t worry starting this week late pledges have gone live on our site and will stay up till fulfillment. This way if you want a set of sci-fi chibi, you can still get one. So, if you love sci-fi and love chibi this is something you do not what to miss.

So what can you get with a late pledge?

Well how about Takata…


Takata is a Cynobi Assassin and master of the deadly sword style Cydo. He seeks revenge for the murder of his clan and will do anything to honor them.



Jaxx, is a S.E.E.D. special forces officer and is charged with finding rouge S.E.E.D. units and taking them out.

Both miniatures are scaled at 30mm and will require assembly and paint and can be used in any game system or our up coming game system.

For more info and to pledge you can go to

Brian “Natakue” Saunders