New: Infanterie schlepper UE (f) mit wurfrahmen

The Fall of France bolstered Germany’s armoured assets with many new pieces of equipment, including the vehicle that would later serve as the Infanterie schlepper UE (f) mit wurfrahmen:

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The 21st Panzer division would be the only tank division to oppose the Allied landings in Normandy. Having been rebuilt after the defeat in Afrika the 21st was refitted with a variety of vehicles including specialist repurposed equipment, known as Becker’s Conversions (Battleground Europe page 40).
During the early part of 1944, Major Alfred Becker and his artillery command were responsible for taking obsolete captured British and French vehicles and refurbishing and redesigning them into useful machines. One such was the French UE carrier which Becker re-designed into rocket launchers mounting 28/32cm heavy rockets for infantry support. Its principal service was during 1943-45 with roughly 40 vehicles being made into this variant.

Cost: 92pts (inexperienced), 115pts (Regular), 138pts (Veteran).
Weapons: 1 forward-facing multiple rocket launcher.
Damage value: 7+ (armoured carrier).
Special Rules: Multiple Launcher
Found in: Page 64 of the Armies of Germany Second Edition.

The multiple rocket launcher can be a very devastating weapon, it has the ability to cause a lot of damage to many different units simultaneously. With 7+ armour the Infanterie schlepper is impervious to all forms of small arms fire but keep it out of harm’s way in preparation for a devastating coup de grâce.

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