MDF and Free Batteries


  • MDF rings
  • Free batteries
  • New stretch goals coming soon

I was having a conversation with someone the other day and they asked why we were using injection molded plastic for the spacer rings instead of MDF and I didn’t have a good answer for him. So I asked Josh at Greenman Designs to cut spacer rings in each of the circular sizes and after a weekend of inspection and testing (which included throwing them across the room to see if they would break) I am happy to announce:

We are going to use MDF for the spacer rings.

What this means for you is that all of these sizes of spacer rings are now available.

  • 40mm round
  • 40mm square
  • 50mm round
  • 60mm round
  • 90 x 120mm oval
  • 120mm round

We still haven’t tested MDF as an option for 25 x 70mm, but we we will let you know as soon as we have.

And more good news.

Since a good chunk of the original goal was going to materials, engineering and design for the mold we are going to turn around and give you more value for your contribution.

Anything you get as a reward or add-on will come with batteries at no additional cost.

For instance if you support at the 75$ level in addition to the 5 PoweredBases and 6 lit objective markers you will receive 5 CR 2016 and 6 CR 2032 batteries; which cost me about 25$ if I buy them at Walgreens.

Also we are going to announce new stretch goals tomorrow.

Let us know what you think.

The post MDF and Free Batteries appeared first on PoweredPlay Gaming.
