Insider 1-26-2017

When working on the Helios, I was very excited to paint his giant glowy eye. Big, cyclopean robots are one of my favorite things, so I was really happy to get my brushes on this fella. Here’s a rundown on how I painted the arcantrik gleam of this bad boy.

1. After finishing the rest of the model, I gave the areas that were meant to shine a layer of Morrow White. This would give my glow a nice bright base.

2. Next, I made an arcantrik green color by mixing equal parts Necrotite Green, Arcane Blue, and Carnal Pink. I added a drop of Formula P3 Mixing Medium and a few drops of water, and then I washed the glowy areas with this mix. I made sure that the wash was thin, only tinting the upper surfaces but coating the deepest areas.

3. Using Turquoise Ink, I washed the deepest recesses of the eye. I blended a bit of the ink up onto the central globe, but not too much—I kept the blend minimal.

4. Then, I cleaned up the upper areas with Menoth White Highlight. Additionally, I used the natural unevenness of the initial wash as a guide to create some “hot spots” on the center globe. I just blended in a bit of the paint onto the uneven areas to accentuate the power of the glow.

5. Finally, I used Morrow White to brighten the hot spots further and refine the highlights.

And there you have it—the arcantrik glow of the Helios! This colossal is now ready to chuck some fools around with its tractor beam or punch some faces with those inferno fists!
