The Great Wargaming Survey

Survey Summary July 3rdThe curious people at Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy can’t hold it any longer, and want answers, now! Since launching The Great Wargaming Survey on July 1st, we’ve had over 4,000 responses. But we want more! If you haven’t yet taken the 5-10 minutes to fill out the survey, please do so and help us figure out the answer to such questions as “How old is the average wargamer?” and “which period/setting is the most popular?”.

There are some great prizes to be won by lucky responders too, such as the SAGA Great Hall from 4Ground, a 1000-point Bolt Action army, books from Osprey and Casemate. Moreover, anyone who completes the survey automatically gets a 10% discount coupon for the Karwansaray Publishers webshop. Seems like a pretty good deal for a short amount of time it takes to get the answers we’re all curious about, no?

Click here to have your say in the Great Wargaming Survey!
