FossilPunk Foundry Unveils Sauriana 54mm Miniatures Game

Sauriana 54mm miniatures game logo FossilPunk Foundry

Recently-launched Wargaming company FossilPunk Foundry is finally ready to lift the curtain on Sauriana, it’s first miniature game. Set in the 19th Century, Sauriana is the first entry in a genre coined by the company itself: FossilPunk. Similar to Steampunk in it’s Victorian-Era roots, Sauriana and similar settings eschew the heavy focus on steam power (though it is present) in favor of focusing on time travel, dinosaurs and other prehistoric life, and Pulp Adventure themes.

Sauriana 54mm Miniatures Game by FossilPunk Foundry - Gamekeeper and Gorgonopsids

Sauriana explores a world on the border between total collapse and pioneering innovation- countries race to colonize the last vestiges of unspoilt territory while at the same time combatting a resurgence in prehistoric animals that threaten to upset the balance of nature itself. Big game hunters trade in their prey of elephants and rhinoceroses to pursue tyrannosaurs and pterodactyls. Militaries vie for power with new temporal technology alongside traditional firearms. Science expands in leaps and bounds, Paleontology is the new hot commodity, and fossils have become the new currency.

Sauriana 54mm Miniatures game by FossilPunk Foundry - SaurotamatonIn the shadows of it all, new factions begin their insidious plotting to take power in this world. Will you, the player, lead the terrifying abominations of the Othniellians- half human, half dinosaur monstrosities? Will you throw in your lot with the Explorer’s Club and its endeavor to explore and exploit the wonders of the natural world? Will you delve into the cold, calculating science of the Cope Collective with their mechanical automatons and wondrous weaponry?

The choice is yours- aside from the faction you choose, players have full control over Rhinophile miniature for Sauriana game by FossilPunk Foundryhiring and outfitting their Agents from amongst their ranks. Brave explorers, steam-powered automatons, ravenous dinosaurs and everything in between are available to every faction, each with their own unique play style and tactics.

This 54mm miniatures game caters to hobbyists and gamers alike, with a heavy focus on fast-paced action, innovative tactics, and an easy-to-learn game structure that will appeal to newcomers and veterans.


The miniatures themselves are highly detailed with fully interchangeable bitsthat allow for endless conversions and customizations, allowing you to truly personalize your own band of gunfighters, ne’er do wells, and renegades.

More will be revealed in the coming months, as we continue development and expand our miniatures range. Very soon, FossilPunk Foundry will launch a campaign on Kickstarter to bring the game world to life – and we’d love your help in doing so! Our first miniature, the Rhinophile (seen above) is available for preorder now. Visit our website or our facebook page for more information.

