Five Parsecs From Home. Scifi campaign gaming!

tempcoverSalvage crews, free traders, mercenaries, bounty hunters, tax collectors and secret agents. The Fringes of colonized space are teeming with those who seek fortune, freedom or are too crazy to fit in anywhere else.

Bounty hunters are on your trail, you’re pretty sure the new girl that just joined the crew is crazy and that battle droid you bought last week seems to be convinced it’s in love. Time to lock and load. You’re Five Parsecs From Home.


Five Parsecs From Home is a skirmish science fiction game where you follow a small band of unique characters, as they try to make their fortunes on the backwaters of human space. Watch your group advance from game to game, learning new skills, finding alien artifacts and contending with everything the Fringes can throw at you.

Using the Five Men/FiveCore system, the basic game mechanics are extremely quick to learn and incorporate elements like reaction fire and one of the simplest and fastest suppression mechanics out there.

You get fully fledged campaign rules with random events and encounters, a wide range of possible characters, enemies and opponents and a flexible system that covers items such as psionics, trade, bluffing and randomly generated encounters and enemies.

Look at your shelf. Pick out 5 miniatures you don’t get to use too much. Roll up some characters and see where it takes you.


Please note that you do need a copy of either FiveCore or Five Men in Normandy to make use of this product. FiveCore is available for 4.99.

Rules are playable in any scale with a typical game having 5-8 figures on each side.
