Catch ‘Serengeti, A Race for Life’ on Kickstarter: Friday 6pm (BST)

In Serengeti: A Race For Life, you and a friend will compete in the African Savannah in a last ditch attempt to preserve the ecosystem and ensure there is a future for its wildlife.

Serengeti is not just another deck building game. The game was specifically designed to ensure that your experience is unique, not just in term of game mechanics but also in respect to the theme and its integration.

The game is played over a variable number of turns during which you will track animals, providing you with unique ways to deal with the various threats in the game as well as helping you efficiently manage your resources.

At the end of the game, victory points will be awarded depending on the players’ deck content as well as majority in the Savannah. The competition track may also tilt the outcome in favour of the player who best achieved to stay one (or more) step ahead of his opponent!

Check out the KS Preview page
